Curl Brunch 2017
Curl Brunch year 2 was amazing!! I'm so grateful to those who came out to enjoy a day of curl hangs and yummy food. I decided to stick with Paloma's Mexican Cuisine the second time around because the staff was so willing to accommodate us. The reason I do these events is because I love to create a space where women of all textured hair can come and enjoy each other. My message is to embrace the frizz and to meet incrediable women.
A special thank you goes to the goodie bag sponsors! Shout out to Ouidad, Jane Carter Solution, Deva Curl, Aso Dara and Bounce Curl.
I can't wait to plan more of these types of events! I have such passion for event planning and there is something so satisfying about working on something and seeing it come into flourish. This time around I decided to VLOG the whole, it's my 2nd ever VLOG so be sure to watch it and let me know what you think: HERE.

Dress: Tobi from Shop Tobi | Coat: Boohoo | Shoes: Zara
To the attendees who came, check out more images HERE and be mindful to tag myself @stylefeen and the brands who sponsored the goodie bags!