OCD on Organizing

As you know I live in Brooklyn, New York and keeping a small place organized can be challenging. My apartment is pretty decently sized so I can't complain too much. My poor husband can tell you how OCD I am about keeping things tidy and neat. So finally after many moons of procrastination we finally finished up our bedroom.

I tend to like cool colors more than warm, it makes me think of fresh laundry and one of those Tide commercials. So we kept the walls a nice shade of blue. Adding shelves can be great if you don't have much floor space to work with. My shoe shelves are my new favorite thing, I clearly can't fit anymore shoes in the other closet in our hallway so this solution was clean and organized.

Jewelry organizers that I've come across and really liked are from Amazon and Target. They're well priced and kept my small collection of sunnies easy to access so I can see what I own. I'm big on being able to see what I have or else I'll forget I even have them. Like my closet for an example, likely I had that corner to add poles to hang majority of my clothing on. I can visually see what I have and it's not so hard figuring out what to wear in the AM.

I had this idea of using cube organizers to put bins in for socks and underwear storage.

Thuggity has his steps because he can't climb on the bed without it ha! I change my bed sheets a few times when I get bored of the design or color, but in the Winter this one is super warm and I got it from my momma!

Who doesn't like a clean and organized living space. It gives me peace of mind to come home to a tidy and clean place. And guess what??! Thuggity our pet Pug is getting a brother! Hence that second bowl, which he's really confused about. We're going to pick him up on Feb 14th. I'm so excited, working long hours have Zamie, my husband and I feeling very sad for Thuggity staying home alone with no one to play with.

Happy organizing!

NYFW - Mongol
